Thursday, 25 April 2013

Runefang Tomorrow

So we got Runefang coming up in less then 24 hours. Really looking forward to it, I think there are 28 participants, maybe even 30. So a big field with a lot of the players being seasoned vets of the tournament scene. So this won't be a happy magic fun time bunny field at all, but full of cold heartless bastards! Kidding

To be honest, I've got high hopes for my self this time around. I would really like to well this tournament. A podium spot is the goal but doing so with Dwarfs against all these other copy and paste meta lists will be a  hard job, maybe to hard of a job. But I have proven to the world that a big win with the Dwarfs can happen, and can happen consistently. I'm very happy with my list and I think it can preform well against most other lists. As always my warmachines are Runed up and ready to go!


  1. I hate your warmachines. I hope I don't play any dwarfs on the weekend.

    1. There's 4 of us mate, good luck :P

    2. If I stick to the top of the table I should be right?

    3. Except for the first round, that could be anything.

  2. I don't think there are many copy and paste lists here at all.

    1. Was talking in a general term, I worded it wrong lol

  3. I found some more quarrelers in my car.

    1. Lol, I came home, unpacked, began panicking for 20 minutes not knowing where I left them, and figured you had them. Could you hold on to them for me, and I'll pick the up from you at NiCon?
