Sunday, 7 April 2013

List for Runefang

Submitted my list to Peter W a few hours ago, and it's pretty much what a brought to NatCon cept I swapped the Runelord for a Runesmith with three scrolls. But here it is anyways for anyone that didn't see my list before.

Runesmith, x3 Spellbreakers, Shield-147
Thane, BSB, Gromril, Resistance, Challenge-165
42 Warriors, FC, GW-445
15 Quarallers, GW, Rangers, Musician-215
35 Hammerers, FC-450
35 Hammerers, FC-450
Cannon, Forging, Burning, Engineer-145
Cannon, Forging, Engineer-140
Organ Gun-120
Organ Gun-120

Big Blocks supported by reliable shooting. Three scrolls, to deny 3 magic phases and the +1DD is nice.


  1. Nice mate very very nice see you there

  2. Simon, Simon, Simon, " Mal has got no chance this time around."
    tut tut, pressure is on you sunshine, if you don't 20-0 me. your a chump. Wait......... you are a chump.

    PS I still have your Bear, in my pants

    1. Mate, takes a chump to know a chump, and its good that we're on the same boat you know ;D. I Wouldn't be so sure about a 20-0 for me, those Stegs look pretty friggen scary to me, my cannons will be shittin' themselves

      That Bear will come back with an odd smell won't it?...

    2. The smell...........the smell of Mal Juice :)
