Saturday, 12 May 2012

Hutt Valley Meeting

Well Saturday's meeting was great, there was a big intro to V3 FoW with 10 tables just for it, got to play my second game of FoW and I really really enjoyed it. I was playing a Grenadier Company with two squads of Grenadiers, three Pak40's, two Lorraine Shelpers, four Panzer IV's and a King Tiger! (It only killed three shermans so meh...). Its one thing knowing your military history, but to put the tactics you read about is a whole different story! Which explains why I put all four of my Mark IV's up a road which funneled them into four M10's. Needless to say that all the Panzers magically exploded. Maybe I'll invest in a 1500pt army (Canadian Armoured LW) it will only be about $150. The Plastic Soldier Companies $90 fifteen tank deal is just fantastic.

Here are some pics of the day. Notice what lurks in the hedgerows on the right of picture two ;D.


  1. What time are your meetings on Saturdays mate and whens the next one? 10 tables is fantastic wish the Palmy Club got that busy

  2. The meetings are everyone second and fourth Saturday of each month. So the next one is on the 26th. The Hall is usually open around 9:30, it usually finishes 3:30-4. We're located at Saint Brendan's School in Trentham (Upper Hutt).

    That meeting was rather large because of the intro to FoW. But each meeting usually has aboot' 7-8 tables running normally. but pretty much no fantasy cept for me and another chap who play regularly.

  3. Cool, ill have to a chat to some of other guys about maybe heading over for a meeting at some point

  4. That would be great, everyone is welcome. The next meeting is out AGM though, so that day could go a bit slow.

